Gabriella Ferrari Personal Page

(All the data are submitted directly by the author)





General Data

Dr. Ferrari Gabriella

Born at Como, the 31/07/1964

Address: via Ottone Visconti 3/a Desio(MI) 20033 - ITALY

Phone: +39-0362306188




- Languages school-leaving certificate, at Liceo Casnati - Como.

- Degree in Geological Sciences, at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Milano, the 06/03/1998. Degree thesis (vote 103/110) in Micropaleontology, with the title: "Biostratigrafia e Paleoecologia della Scaglia Rossa presso Gubbio: la Sezione Contessa Old Road (Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Scaglia Rossa near Gubbio (ITALY): the Old Contessa Road Section)", chairman Proff.ssa Isabella Premoli Silva. Drawing up of the Geological Chart at 1:10000 scale, near Montefiorino (Modena district - Italy) with over 30 km2 of hilly and higher territory; chairman Prof. Alessandro Colombetti.


Other studies

- Special course of "Ecological Volunteer Guard" made by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) of Como (1997).

- Special professional course (1999) for "Addetta alla raccolta, elaborazione ed archiviazione di dati energetico- ambientali - Energy Manager ". Course made from the Lombardia Region, and European Community.




Computer Knowledge

- Knowledge of Microsoft Works and Office '97, Windows ‘ 95/98, (Internet Explorer e Outlook Express).


Works and Stages

Work (1994) with the Studio Geologico Pedrozzi, of Pregassona (Lugano, Switzerland), with hydrogeological and geotechnical analyses.

Work (1998), bear the Department of Earth Sciences, under Profs. Premoli Silva, for the Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Oligo/Miocene sediments of Puglia Region (Italy).

Stage (1999) near the "Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Alto Lambro" - Monza (Italy), about the laws and treatment techniques for the remediation of wastewaters.

Work (1998/99) with the Studio Geologico Colombetti of Modena (Italy). With hydrogeological and geotechnical analyses.

Work (2000) near the Mantero Seta S.P.A. of Como (Italy)

Work (2000) near the Metal3 S.P.A. of Carate Brianza (Italy)


Colombetti A., Ferrari G. e Nicolodi F. (1997) " Su alcune microsferule metalliche ritrovate all’ interno di uno strato calcareo marnoso, appartenente al Flysch di Romanoro ( Unità Sestola- Vidiciatico ), nell’ Alto Appennino modenese". Ateneo Parmense Acta Naturalia, vol. 33.

Colombetti A., Ferrari G., Nicolodi F. e Panini F. (1997) " Some metallic spherules in calcareous marly sediments of the Romanoro Flysch, Sestola- Vidiciatico tectonic unit (Modena district, Northern Apennines, Italy)". Planetary and Space Sciences, Special Paper, Parigi.

Colombetti A., Ferrari G., Nicolodi F. e Spezzi Bottani G. (1997) "Indagini preliminari su di un livello pelitico nella Formazione di Monte Venere (Campaniano sup. - Maastrichtiano sup.) in Comune di Montefiorino (Prov. di Modena)". Ateneo Parmense Acta Naturalia, vol. 33.

Galeotti S., Coccioni R., Angori A., Ferrari G., Monechi S., Morettini E., Premoli Silva I. & Speijer R. (1998) "The Paleocene/Eocene transition in a classical tethyan setting: the Contessa Road Section". Riv. It. di Pal. e Strat

Galeotti S., Coccioni R., Angori A., Ferrari G., Galbrun B., Monechi S., Morettini E., Premoli Silva I., Speijer R. & Turi B. (1999) "Integrated stratigraphy across the Paleocene/Eocene Boundary in the Contessa Road section, Gubbio (central Italy)". Bull. de la Soc. Geol. de France, special paper.

Colombetti A., Ferrari G. & Nicolodi F. (1999) "The Age of the Romanoro Flysch". TECOS first int. congress, Castelnovo ne’ Monti (RE), Italy, 6 - 10 Settembre.

- Founding Members of the International Research Group TECOS